Monday, October 18, 2010


This is such a cute children's book that the publisher sent for me to read and review for them. I love the white back ground that make the illustrations seem so bold! I love the colors in the illustrations and the facial expressions of the birds! It is so much fun to read and I loved reading it over and over with my 16 month old daughter, Rebekah! She LOVES the book! It is a sweet story of a black crow who tries to be something he is not, and finds in the end that being yourself is the best choice! What a life lesson for us all! One of my favorite children's books now!

The Incredible Gifts Of Women

This was written by Barbara Barrington Jones who has worked with many pageant contestants and has also done a lot of workshops to help women improve themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is a very thought-provoking book that looks at the god-given characteristics that make women so special. I enjoyed her personal stories and examples and found that I could not put this book down. I will definitely be reading it again and again. I found myself looking at myself and identifying things that I need to work on to be a better mother, wife, daughter, friend, and child of God. Very inspiring and uplifting book that makes you really examine your own life and your purpose here on Earth.

Teach Like Your Hair's On Fire

This is a GREAT book by a 5th grade teacher who really works to bring out the best in all of his students. He brings art, music, theater and a good work ethic into his classroom and his students EXCELS! This is a very inspiring book and I loved reading about a fellow 5th grade teacher and seeing some of the methods that work for him and his students. VERY inspiring book! It made me want to be even better at working with my students!

The Book Whisperer

I read this book at the beginning of the school year but never took the time to post anything about it because the beginning of the year is CRAZY! hahahahahaha But let me say that I LOVED this book! It had so many great ideas for helping EACH and EVERY student in the class read! I really liked the idea of conferencing one on one with kids and giving the opportunity to talk to ME about what they are reading and what they like and think about books. I'd love to just have my students read books and none of the silly basal selections but we have to do those. So I am working to do more of the novels and self-selected reading in addition to the basal textbook. I am trying to have more conversations in my classroom about what they are reading and the books they are choosing and it is working! My kids are reading MORE and enjoying it more! GREAT BOOK for ALL teachers!!!!!!