Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sunshine for the Latter-Day Saint Mother's Soul

This book follows the same format as the many "Chicken Soup For the Soul Books" that I love! I enjoyed this particular version because it was written for mothers and since I am a NEW mom, I enjoyed reading the sweet stories of inspiring mothers and recollections from others about what they remember the most about their mothers. There were some very touchy and emotional selections that made me cry and others that were very humorous and reminded me that there will be times that I will just have to laugh at myself as a mother, because we ALL make mistakes from time to time! The stories were easy to read and then close the book until I had time to read another short one. The poems were particularly touching and I really enjoyed those. This little book was just a joy to read and I think it helped to read about how other mothers struggled with their desires to be the PERFECT mother and to realize that NO ONE is the perfect mother.....we all just have to do the best we can and love our children! We can't compare ourselves to others and strive to be some "SUPER MOM" that only exists in our overly-active imaginations. Definitely a great book to read!!!

The Remarkable Soul of A Woman

The Remarkable Soul of A Woman by Dieter F. Uchtdorf is a beautiful little book with great words of wisdom for women to hear during these days. It reminds all of us women of the many strengths, abilities and natural gifts given to us as daughters of a loving Heavenly Father. We all have so much to offer to the world just be finding those gifts and talents in ourselves and magnifying to them to the best of our ability! It is truly an uplifting book that I enjoyed reading and it made me feel even better about myself as a Daughter of God!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A "BookSneeze" Book that was sent to me to read and review for free.
First of all Thomas Nelson provided me with a complimentary copy of this book to read and review and I found it VERY interesting and motivating! John C. Maxwell gave great real-world examples in this book that ANYONE can use to better communicate and connect with the people around them; whether in business or in our own marriages and families. The strategies that he presented are pretty straight-forward and are things that we can all do. As he pointed out in the book, connecting with people can be learned and is not something that just happens automatically or comes naturally. I loved the way he made it sound so simple and I've been trying out some of these strategies already and have seen some results. As a teacher, I am given ample opportunities to connect with people ALL DAY LONG from my students, to my colleagues, to my supervisors and I think this book is really going to help me improve myself in my career, as well as in my ability to connect and communicate effectively with those around me at home, church, and in my community. I'm excited about trying out these strategies and would definitely recommend this book to others. It is easy to read and very enjoyable too!